Ranked Among the Top Workplaces in the Lower Hudson Valley
15 companies ranked Top Workplaces in the
Lower Hudson Valley by their employees

We all want to brag about something.
How about where you work?
Does your employer have great perks, offer daycare services or an atmosphere that fosters growth and achievement? Maybe your company is involved in ground-breaking discoveries or finds its mission closer to home, helping the neediest in our communities. Or maybe you just have a rocking cafeteria!
Nearly 1,500 companies in the Lower Hudson Valley were invited to participate in The Journal News' Top Workplaces - an opportunity to highlight the positives about their workplace.
All the nominated workplaces were then evaluated by their employees; over 3,500 employees were surveyed.
"I love helping and interacting with people, giving support, learning different things in the medical field," said one person who works at WESTMED Medical Group, number two on the list of large companies.
How Were the Top Workplaces Chosen?
The Journal News partnered with Philadelphia-based WorkplaceDynamics, the employee survey firm, to determine the region's Top Workplaces rankings.
Anyone could nominate a company. The only requirement was that the organization must employ at least 35 people in the Lower Hudson Valley. The organization could be public, private, nonprofit, or governmental.
WorkplaceDynamics surveyed 29 organizations that agreed to participate. The surveyed firms employ 7,473 people in the Lower Hudson Valley area. Of those employees who received questionnaires, 3,573 responded, either on paper or online.
The employee survey sought responses from about 23 statements covering seven factors; key to those are organizational health factors, which measure how well employees are working together toward a common cause:
"Time and time again, our research has proven that what's most important to them is a strong belief in where the organization is headed, how it's going to get there, and the feeling that everyone is in it together," said Doug Claffey, CEO of WorkplaceDynamics.
The research also measured how employees feel about their day-to-day job, and on employee engagement - retention, motivation, and referral.
Top Workplaces, Small