Mind Your Business
Winter Update 2014
We know it's been a while since you heard from us but we have been busy this year and just couldn't find the time to write! (Don't we sound like kids at summer camp?) Well, we actually have been enjoying ourselves. In typical Adcorp fashion we have been focused on identifying new opportunities, products and supermarket partnerships all working towards the goal of helping our local business owners grow their brands and expand their customer base. Through increasing the number of stores we partner with, expanding our product offerings at the store level and moving into the digital arena and other web-based products we're excited to be able to continue to work with the local business owner as a partner and helping them expand their marketing efforts.
Digital & Other Projects
We value our relationships with our customers, the local business owners. We believe in conversations, communication, having discussions (sort of a lost art in today's world of technology and data mining, and so on...). Rather than telling our customers what to do, we team up with them to identify ways to help them grow their business.
For 2015, we have developed 2 new products that will help them to do just that:
In-store Digital Network: We will be rolling out digital screens in 2 of our partner chains. These screens are strategically placed in heavily trafficked areas to maximize exposure of your message to shoppers. The HD display offers rich, motion graphic advertising that is entertaining and engaging.
Marketing Kit: To help the local business owner create (or re-create) their unique branding and identity we have created a Marketing Kit for Business Owners. Our Marketing Kit offers our services at a very reasonable cost to you - including a 5 page responsive web site and design of 2 print elements (business card, brochure, post card - whichever fits your business needs). Delivering a consistent, clear impression of who you are (vs. your competitor) is critical to growing your business. Our Marketing Kit - offered as a discounted, bundled cost, is an extremely cost-efficient way to do that.
Partnerships In an effort to continue to offer our customers the opportunity to expand their marketing and advertising programs to their local prospects, as well as bringing new customers into the Adcorp family we have expanded our partnerships to new chains and expanded our product offerings with our current partners:
Adcorp is proud to announce the expansion of its partnership with King Kullen (NY) to include the Marketing Information Center program.
We've partnered with the PriceRite chain (CT, MA, MD, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA) now using Adcorp for the Shopping Cart and Welcome Center programs! 58 stores in total.
Corrado's Market (NJ) is another new supermarket partner using Adcorp for all our supermarket media - Carts, Welcome Center, Bench and Market Information Centers.
Mobile, Mobile Everywhere
Your current and future customers are connected 24/7 and are using more screens and different devices than ever before. They control how, when and where they choose to engage and search for your business. Can your web site keep up? No matter what device your customers are searching on (desktop, tablet, smartphone), your site must be easy to find and use - no 'screen pinching' or scrolling allowed! A positive user experience could very well convert a mobile prospect to a loyal customer.
A responsive web site can do that for you.
Adcorp Media can produce a responsive site for you and get your business mobile-ready and mobile-friendly in as little as 2 weeks.
So, don't lose customers to a bad mobile search experience. Call Adcorp Media Group for more information on responsive web design and learn more about our other digital solutions.
Adcorp Latino Expanding Our Adcorp Latino division, operating in Florida and California, continues to grow and has expanded its partnerships to now include the Superior chain in southern California - offering our Welcome Center and Shopping Cart programs.
New Web Site for Adcorp Media Group
Be on the lookout in early 2015 for the debut of the new design for AdCorpMG.com. It's an updated look that will be more user-friendly, and showcase our products. Stay tuned...
Welcome to the Family: Have a cigar
Our Adcorp home has grown by 10 feet! Little baby feet, that is. This year Adcorp Media Group became a proud 'parent' as five of our employees had babies this year. We welcome with great joy into our Family and into our hearts,...Sophie, Albert, Kaylee, Zakariya and JoJo Jr. Congratulations to their families!
Corporate Wellness: A Healthy New Year Start
With the recent changes in healthcare and insurance rates affecting small businesses it seems Corporate Wellness programs have been percolating to the top in many company's portfolios as it relates to hiring employees, benefits, and employee retention programs. After researching, we decided to implement a general fitness and yoga program offered by Born Ready Fitness, run by Mike Gulyas. After 3 months of our worksite wellness program the result was happy, energetic employees with an enhanced sense of well-being, self-image, and greater camaraderie (on and off the Yoga mat!). Our employees are our greatest asset, and contributing to their health and well-being, making health a social and engaging part of our corporate culture, is an investment that offers the greatest return, and well worth it in the long run.
A company that sweats together, stays together. Namaste.
Wounded Warrior Project
Once again, we are so pleased and proud to be making a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project. Along with our 'Like Us on Facebook' campaign, of which we donate $5 to WWP for every "Like", we can continue to support this program that provides assistance to wounded service members and their families. We are grateful for the men and woman who continue to serve and protect this country and our freedom.
Adcorp Media Group Turns 8
We celebrated our 8th Birthday this year! They say when you celebrate the 8th anniversary of your birth, the traditional symbol is bronze, which represents 'beauty' and 'durability'. We've got the 'durability' part as evidenced by the fact that we've been around for 8 years (and some of those years were pretty tough on everyone's bottom line) as well as our long list of loyal customers who recognize the value of our in-store programs. And the 'beauty' part, well if you take a look at our web site - the 'Tour Our Office' feature - you'll see that we are a pretty good lookin' bunch☺. We are a fun, diverse group of folks, loving what we do, great at what we do, doing it all for our customers. (It's a beautiful thing)
All of us at Adcorp Media Group would like to extend to you our warmest wishes for a very Happy Holiday season.
We wish to thank you for your loyalty and trust throughout the year, and know that our continued dedication and commitment to providing you with the best products and customer service to help you grow your business remains as constant as ever.
In warm appreciation of our friendship and association, we wish you a Happy Holiday Season and a New Year filled with Peace and Prosperity.